prefix = "spring.servlet.multipart",
ignoreUnknownFields = false
public class MultipartProperties {
private boolean enabled = true;
private String location;
private DataSize maxFileSize = DataSize.ofMegabytes(1L);
private DataSize maxRequestSize = DataSize.ofMegabytes(10L);
private DataSize fileSizeThreshold = DataSize.ofBytes(0L);
공식 문서
location specifies the directory where uploaded files will be stored. When not specified, a temporary directory will be used.
max-file-size specifies the maximum size permitted for uploaded files. The default is 1MB
max-request-size specifies the maximum size allowed for multipart/form-data requests. The default is 10MB.
file-size-threshold specifies the size threshold after which files will be written to disk. The default is 0.
- location : 파일이 저장될 위치. 디폴트는 임시 디렉터리
- max-file-size : 업로드 파일 크기. 디폴트는 1MB
- max-request-size : multipart/form-data content-type의 허용 요청 크기. 디폴트는 10MB
- file-size-threshold : 디스크에 저장될 파일의 임계치. 디폴트는 0Byte
Properties 설정
location: classpath:upload-files
max-file-size: 10MB
max-request-size: 20MB
file-size-threshold: 2097152