Based on Telegram Bot API 7.8.

Telegram Bot API

The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface

Authorizing your bot

Each bot is given a unique authentication token when it is created.


Telegram’s tool for creating and managing bots.

Use the /newbot command to create a new bot.

@BotFather will ask you for a name and username, then generate an authentication token for your new bot.

  • The name of your bot is displayed in contact details and elsewhere.

  • The username is a short name, used in search, mentions and links.

  • The token is a string, like 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw

Making requests

All queries to the Telegram Bot API must be served over HTTPS and need to be presented in this form:<token>/METHOD_NAME

We support GET and POST HTTP methods. We support four ways of passing parameters in Bot API requests:


Use this method to receive incoming updates using long polling. Returns an Array of Update objects. is the chat ID.


Use this method to send text messages.

The chat_id and text fields are required.


public class TelegramSchedulerClient {

    private final WebClient webClient;
    private final String chatId;

    public TelegramSchedulerClient(@Value("${}") String botToken,
                                   @Value("${}") String chatId) {
        String url = "" + botToken + "/";
        this.webClient = WebClient.builder()
                .defaultHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
        this.chatId = chatId;

    public void success(String jobName, LocalDateTime startAt, LocalDateTime endAt) {
        long durationSec = Duration.between(startAt, endAt).getSeconds();
        try {
                    .bodyValue(createMessagePayload(chatId, generateSuccessMessage(jobName, startAt, endAt, durationSec), "HTML"))
        } catch (WebClientResponseException | JsonProcessingException e) {
  "Failed to send Telegram succeed message",
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("jobName", jobName),
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("startAt", startAt),
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("endAt", endAt),
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("durationSec", durationSec)

    public void fail(String jobName, Exception exception) {
        String errorPoint = null;
        String errorMessage = null;

        try {
            errorPoint = shortenText(exception.getStackTrace()[0].toString(), 500);
            errorMessage = shortenText(exception.getMessage(), 500);

                    .bodyValue(createMessagePayload(chatId, generateFailMessage(jobName, errorPoint, errorMessage), "HTML"))
        } catch (WebClientResponseException | JsonProcessingException e) {
  "Failed to send Telegram failed message",
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("jobName", jobName),
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("errorPoint", errorPoint),
                    LogMessage.KeyValueData.of("errorMessage", errorMessage)

    public static String generateSuccessMessage(String jobName, LocalDateTime startAt, LocalDateTime endAt, Long durationSec) {
        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        message.append("<b>작업이 성공적으로 완료되었습니다!</b>\n")
                .append("<b>작업 이름: </b>").append(jobName).append("\n")
                .append("<b>작업 시작 시간: </b>").append(startAt.format(formatter)).append("\n")
                .append("<b>작업 종료 시간: </b>").append(endAt.format(formatter)).append("\n")
                .append("<b>걸린 시간 (sec): </b>").append(durationSec).append("\n");

        return message.toString();

    public static String generateFailMessage(String jobName, String errorPoint, String errorMessage) {
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        message.append("<b>작업에 실패했습니다.</b>\n")
                .append("<b>작업 이름: </b>").append(jobName).append("\n")
                .append("<b>오류 지점: </b>\n<pre>").append(errorPoint).append("</pre>")
                .append("<b>오류 메시지: </b>\n<pre>").append(errorMessage).append("</pre>");

        return message.toString();